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When it comes to zoos dont be shy just cut them and be done with it. Ask Mark he came over to my house and I just pulled them out and snip off comes a few polyps and in the bag they go. If they are on a big rock then a die grinder or a cut wheel on a grinder might be needed. If not a good set of dikes is all that is needed. A razor blade can be used also but when it comes to doing them that way it does not work for me.

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When it comes to zoos dont be shy just cut them and be done with it. Ask Mark he came over to my house and I just pulled them out and snip off comes a few polyps and in the bag they go. If they are on a big rock then a die grinder or a cut wheel on a grinder might be needed. If not a good set of dikes is all that is needed. A razor blade can be used also but when it comes to doing them that way it does not work for me.


I use a dremmel with a thin grinding/cutting wheel at about 15 thousand rpms. Can you say liverock and polyp juice all over the place..safety glasses required. Yep...use dikes if you can

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well pretty much. I can't see how big those polyps are mainly cuz I can't tell how big the can or whatever they used is. In addition the fingers don't look as long as those, then again they may not have opened all the way either. I still have about half the rock that I haven't seen open. I will post the pic's that I have but they aren't doing much justice, you can't even see the ring on the inside, stupid camera(comp). I have posted a thread in hopes of getting some advice on catching the color of the polyps and less of the blue light.

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Read the manual and adjust the white balance to as clost to the color spectrum of your bulb as possible.


If those are them, put me down for a frag of that. :)




i was going to ask about the manual part. When I look at my cam WB options all I get is these:





Daywhite flourescent

Daylight flourescent


and manual which is shutter adjust.

I am thinking that it is either shutter adjust or tungsten, but I need to try when I get home. What does adjusting the WB do?

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