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Pyramid Snails


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I am pretty sure I have Pyramid Snails on my Derasa Clam. They are small white snails that are pointed. About the same size and shape of the very tip of a pencil right after sharpening. I also saw egg clusters everywhere and the clam's mantle was receded back in the shell. I took the clam and put it into a bowl and scrubbed all the snails and eggs off, but what else should I do? Anyone have experience with this?

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IME Six line wrasses tend to leave snails and hermits alone.


It will compete with the mandarin but I think they can co-exist. My six line loves mysis so I think as long as you feed it other things the mandarin should have enough pods.


Honestly I would never have a reef w/o a six line. They are probably my favorite fish.


Heres a good article on pyramid snails.



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here is a great link http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-02/nftt/index.php and it shows you the difference between them and rissoid, plus a good battle plan.(threaten) i have no experinece with this but if theres anything I can help with just call me 6543465 I have spare brushes and such plus I can come over to help if you and cora need it. I dont have my 6 line anymore or you could borrow him( he carpet surfed after almost 2 yearsDOH!) but you need to know that though he left my hermits alone and snails I couldnt keep small shrimp(peppermints and a pistol (sad)) I have also heard that they can be coral nippers but mine never did that.

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Well maybe it was on another thread, but it was today. I had a buddy that bought a six line, what ended up happening was the six line went crazy on his pods not leaving much for the manderin to eat. Long story short, he still has six line but no more manderin.

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Are you sure that was the cause of death for the mandarin. How long did he have it?What size tank? How old of a tank? Anything else picking on it?


I think it is a good thing to also trying to get a mandarin to feed on something else besides pods. My moa mandarin in her tank and it does well on brine shrimp. Live black worms are also something I have fed her before.

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I have a sixline and have not had any problems with him picking on any of the other inhabitants of my 80g. He is a great fish to watch too. Love the way they swim through every nook and cranny of the rock work. I have seen mine find a tunnel all the way through a large piece of LR about 10 inches across. Beautiful too.

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I have a sixline in the classroom. He has been going strong for around 10 months now. I have the same amount of hermits as I did then as far as I can tell. He gets along with the true percula. Wanna borrow him? Heck, you could bring the clam over to get it "cleaned" in my tank if you like. He is in the rbta tank.

consider it.


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I had one that lived in my open tank for 1.5 years and I trully believe the only reason he jumped is because i introduced a fish that suddenly started to chase him., he had been in a fairly aggressive setting and the only the he was bad about was about every 3-4 months he'd find a way to the overflow and I blame him for my dispearing perpermint

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good point miles' date=' but i will not ever put a top on my tank, dont even know if i could handle the light diffusers. just bugs me. dont like the light blockage....now i dont know what to do. should i buy one and keep it and hope that it doesn't go carpet surfing for a long time?[/quote']


Well... I had a couple of different ones for a total of about 6 years and never had a carpet surfing problem with them. I certainly did with other wrasses but not the six lines. That being said, they were pretty aggressive fish in my tanks (and not just to the other wrasses - yeah, I should know better). One of them also took out some cleaner and peppermint shrimp I believe. Anyway, based on just my personal experience, low jumping risk (in 90 and 120 gallon) but reasonable risk of aggressive behavior - FWIW.


Good luck! They are really great looking fish though which is one reason I have always had one.

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