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I finally got a tank today(29 gal Biocube) I went with Aragonite reef sand as compared to live sand.The bag says it needs minimum rinse required.Can I rinse that in tap(well)water or does it need to be salt water? I'm sure I'll have a bunch of questions as I go. Thanks in advance, Mike

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Even if you rinse it several times, it will still be cloudy in the tank when you add the sand and water. This is normal. Just keep the sponge filters in place and let them work for a day or so, then rinse the sponge filters in your sink to remove all the dust.


Then you can either put the sponges back in, or take them out (like most people on nano-reef do). If you don't clean the sponges often, then they just turn into waste factories. Most people replace the sponges with filter floss and change it every week or so.



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Go to home depot and buy a short rem of 2 inch or bigger pvc pipe. All you need is about 2 feet. Then go to the dollar store and buy a funnel. Add the water to your tank, please use RO/DI water for this. Put the funnel into the end of the pipe, use a measuring cup to put sand into the funnel. Then slowly move the pipe around your tank and put the sand to the desired level. This will keep the cloudiness to a minimum.

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Go to home depot and buy a short rem of 2 inch or bigger pvc pipe. All you need is about 2 feet. Then go to the dollar store and buy a funnel. Add the water to your tank' date=' please use RO/DI water for this. Put the funnel into the end of the pipe, use a measuring cup to put sand into the funnel. Then slowly move the pipe around your tank and put the sand to the desired level. This will keep the cloudiness to a minimum.[/quote']


Thats a good idea Bob.


One thing I have also done is put the sand in the tank. Then put a plate or bowl on top of the sand and let the water fill over the top of the plate. This keeps the water from hitting the sand and making everything cloudy.

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