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yeah those are awsome! I'll take some of each(whistle)jk but if you do frag drop me a line. I agree about the dragon eyes if you google them, there are lots of zoa id's if you go to reef central or just google them, but watch the lighting cause they look totally different in attnic. so I would take a pic in that setting for comparison. good luck...also ask kevin...breefcase he know his zoos(rock2)

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From one heck of a reefer I would imagine (whistle)




The top two are ID'ed correctly, but I don't think the bottom ones are dragon eyes. I could be wrong but I know that radioactive dragon eyes are extremely green almost flourescent. Check out zoaid.com, they have some nice zoas to compare yours to and I think all of those are on there.




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Well call me stupid,DOH!I apparently did not get these where i thought i did but after much thought i remembered where i got them. It was at waves.That being said obviously i cannot get any more but when they get big enough to frag you will get the first one,Unless you would like one or two polyps now?I would be happy to go that way if thats what you want.

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Will you be at the meet and greet? I'm planning to come, and would love to have a couple of polyps. PM me if you're into that! Thanks a bunch!


Well call me stupid' date='DOH!I apparently did not get these where i thought i did but after much thought i remembered where i got them. It was at waves.That being said obviously i cannot get any more but when they get big enough to frag you will get the first one,Unless you would like one or two polyps now?I would be happy to go that way if thats what you want.[/quote']
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