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30g project


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Ok well here is the start of my 30 gallon tank with custom stand and possible 3 tier filtration. I just purchased a JBJ 150w MH for the lighting. The tank is acrylic with dimensions of 20x24x17.5. By dimensions it is a 36g tank with 30 for display and 6 for refugium built on back.


from rear



from left



from right



Tentative plans for stand provided by WANAREEF

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Tank inhabitants upon completion are as follows

2xTrue Perc clownfish

1xManderin Dragonette Goby

1xFire fish

1xSerpant Starfish

1xEmerald Green Starfish

1xSea Hare


1xGreen Bubble Tip anemone

1xDuncan with 7 heads

1xHammer Coral with 4 heads

3xPulsing Xenia (pink)

1xBurgandy Xenia approximately 20 stocks

1xSmall Birdsnest Frag

Purple mushrooms

Lemonade Zoa's

Zombie eye Zoa's

Watermellon Zoa's

Fish eye Zoa's

Eagle eye Zoa's

couple other zoa's

snails and hermit crabs

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Most mandarins will only eat copepods and other critters from the rock and sand, hence the smaller the tank the harder to feed and IME if you can get them to eat frozen that would be an accomplishment.Same goes for the hare, i assume you got got him for algae control... when its gone they are out of food and as madreefer said they can be fragile.

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Seriously? I thought I needed a crab of somekind or a lawn mower blenny or something


A lettuce nudibranc would work also. But it has the same problem as the sea hare. Once you run out of algae, it will most likely die. The source of your algae problem is probably nutrient export. A skimmer will definitely help. While you are not running a skimmer, I would suggest frequent water changes of 10% a week or about 4 gallons. This should help with nutrient export. I am not a big fan of chemicals unless there is no other alternative. Good luck with the new tank.



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Hey if you are still looking for a skimmer I have a couple small ones I would trade for some zoos or something, you could have both of them and just see what you can do...I have no use for them and really dont know a whole lot about them...I am about 45min away from beaverton

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