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Freddyk's 140 Gallon Reef Aquarium


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LOL! Wasn't trying to bust you. (whistle)


Others know more about this than I, but I think adding the RO stage primarily serves to make your DI resin last longer. The DI resin is the most expensive part to replace. Also, you may want to test the product water and make sure that it is 0 TDS - if you run it too fast through the DI chamber, it may not get fully purified.


So, if you are producing pure water and don't mind changing your DI resin out more often, you should be fine. My $0.02

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I do like the Octopus skimmer. It is the first skimmer I have ever owned so I don't have much to compare it to. It seems to be taking a lot of junk out of my tank.


One flaw is that if the power goes off the pump will run, and possibly get harmed, because it does not automatically draw air through the air line. I need to blow through the air line do get it going and then it is fine. It has not been a problem for more than a year but if I was out of town and the power went out for even a minute it might be a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress Maybe


Hi All


I have a little positive progress to report. Since I added my water change system and phosphate reactor my anemone has gone back to white with purple tips as it was when I bought it long ago. Soon after I bought it it turned brown and grew huge. I was not sure if the brown color was normal or not. Now I know.




I also added a couple frags of Montipora and a couple small stony frags. The stony frags did not make it :(


The Montipora are doing great and growing well which I am very happy about. I hear that any idiot can grow these things so at least I pass that test (nutty)




So I have been adding like a gallon of Magnesium slowly to get the levels up so that hopefully I can get my calcium and alk steady. I sure hope that once I get the mag levels up I will not always need to add so much. In addition I am changing 30 gallons a week from my 200 gallon system in a battle to get my parameters to a point where I will have the guts to try SPS again (and zoos for that matter!). I see so many tanks that seem to grow coral like weeds and all I can grow is fish. Oh well I guess the reason I stayed away from this hobby was complexity and cost and boy was that true. I am hooked though and I am going to beat this thing.

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  • 1 year later...



Last summer I had a thermometer reading 7 degrees cooler than the real temperature. On the hottest days of the summer I was thinking I was pushing the edge when the temp was reading 85 degrees. I bought a new thermometer for some beer brewing and I tested it on my tank to discover that the temp of the tank was much higher than my digital thermometer was telling me. Agave did not make it. I have never missed a fish so much.


On a brighter side I now am the proud owner of a chiller and a reefkeeper lite aquarium controller. Now the temperature does not shift more than a degree.

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Sorry to hear about that!(sad) He was one gorgeous fish. Makes me want one.


I know what you mean about the thermometers being off. We realized the same thing when we installed the APEX aquacontroller that the thermometer we had was reading several degrees lower!:eek:


Word to the wise people.. make sure your thermometer is accurate particularly with summer coming!


Fortunately nothing happened because the basement stays pretty cool in the summer until we added another 150 gallon tank!(nutty)

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