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I caught a picture of that pesky mantis shrimp today


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Yea...I know. Sitting in front of my tank with my camera waiting for a shrimp to show himself is borderline nerdy but hey I am obsessed with the hobby :D. Anyway I got a picture. It was the first time I saw him come all the way out of its hole. I am guessinh 3.5 inches long and extreemly fast. He looked out carefully for a couple seconds then back in his hole he would go. Till he thought it was safe then he bolted from his hole into a another hole under my reef just like a lightening bolt. I was there ti catch him with my fugi finepix. Nasty looking little f*&%$@. I wish I could bannish him to the sump but dont know how to catch him. I really font want to take out the rock. I thought about just takeing out the rock and pouring boiling water down his hole but that seems really mean. I really just want him out of my tank. Did you guys see my clownfish eye swoolen up from being thunked by the shrimp?




Man is it dumping here. I bet we have 2 more inches in the last hour alone.




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Where did the rock come from? I know you said Seahorse but what part of the country. With that I can probably tell you what type it is. If it was a peacock it would not hide in the rock as they are really interactive with people when in a tank. Mantis are really neat little critters and are really fun to watch if you have one that is not shy.

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This sucker is really shy. He mostly hides in his hole. At least its right where I can watch him and not under the reef somewhere. He is really colorful from what I have seen. He is so cautous when he moves from place to place. Peeking around corners before he bolts like lightening. Yesterday was the first time I have seen his entire body in the 2 or 3 weeks I found him. Not sure where the rock originated from.....other then from the rock bin on the left at seahorse in Portland. I am thinking as long as I feed him a silverside every other day as I feed my anemones mabey he will not be hungery and kill every snail or fish I have.


My friends badass Bronco playing in the snow yesterday. There were bands of quads running the neighborhoods until after midnight lastnight. Looks like fun....wish I had one.









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I still havent dealt with him yet. I hear him killing my snails and hermits everyday....tap tap tap tap. I saw him smashing one of my blue legg hermits couple days ago. in between some rocks under one of the big rock piles.

Little Bastard.



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  • 2 weeks later...

What method should I use? Use hot water maybe too cruel, but if I leave the mantis shrimp in there then it would be too cruel for my CUC and fishes.


Methods to Capture Mantis Shrimp Outside Tank:


If you can quickly remove the rock where the offending mantis shrimp is hiding, then you can isolate the animal using the following methods.


Replace rock in its own, isolated tank with saltwater. Do not provide sources of food for several days, then trap mantis using bait.

Dunk rock quickly in carbonated water. You may use club soda or make your own liquid by mixing dry ice and saltwater. The mantis shrimp will quickly scoot out of the rock when exposed to this.

Squirt boiling or hot water into the cavities where mantis shrimps may be hiding. This has been suggested to me by retailers of local fishing stores as well.

Dunk rock in freshwater. Some people say they have used this to good effect, but others note that it could severely damage the other inhabitants of the live rock.

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if you have a spare tank I'd try that one with the bait, they sell traps for them......an someone would probally like to have it otherwise I'd try the hot water ...havent heard of using that before but it sounds like to could controle where most of the damage is going....where gloves if its a a slasher

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