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WTT for Sunlight Supply Lamp cord or Reflector


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Looking for Sunlight Supply 15ft Lamp Cord w/16 GA W-MALE P. Or reflectors with Sunlight Supply Lamp Cord. Let me know if anyone has one lying around. I'm getting a dual Galaxy 250 ballast and need Sunlight Supply connectors. I will using SE(single ended) bulbs. I have a PFO Horizontal Pendant With Mogul Base Socket. This is the one that has a black house and you can hang with 2 hooks. I also have 2 Advance/Universal T5 HO Fluorescent Electronic Ballasts, each BALLAST will fire up 2 T-5HO 54W Lamps. I willl put up pictures tomorrow. Let me know if anyone wants to trade. Of course it will have to be equal trading. I'm not going to trade everything for a 15ft lamp cord. My PFO for you Sunlight Supply reflector.


PFO Horizontal Pendant With Mogul Base Socket





Advance/Universal T5 HO Fluorescent Electronic Ballasts







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