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What would you consider to high alk?


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Would you say that 14 DKH to high? My reactor is keeping it here and was thinking I should turn down the flow and adjust the bubbles again but when it stays someplace so nice I hate to touch it. My Cal is on the low side at 380 but I am raising it to someplace around 420.


What is a good product to raise the Magnesium quickly. Also is there something I can add to my reactor media to keep the Magnesium up to speed. It would be nice if I could have my reactor take care of alk, Cal and Magnesium. I am going to try to do my water changes more frequently and that should help.





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Yeah 14dkh seems a little high to me.


I think the way most people are dealing with magnesium is with just buying bulk from a LFS. Ryan in Salem used to sell it :( before he closed but I think Joel at Waves is the only other that ever sold it. Try calling Joel and seeing what he has. Later Ryan

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I use Epsom salts from walgreens for Mg... pushes it right up there...




How much should I start with? 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon? Heaping or level spoonfulls? Thats if I buy the stuff from Wallgreens which is just around the corner from me.


120 gallon tank

20 gallon sump which stays half full


Probably with all the rock and sand mabey 110 gallons total water.





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your alk isnt too high if your Ca is up around 420-450 like you said, but you probably wont be able to get that without a low pH. If your pH is barely going over 8, then Id try and get your alk to stay AND get your CA up. If your pH is up at like 8.2-8.3 in the daytime, your not going to be able to get your CA up with an alk that high.


my $0.02

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Oh and Zeovit has a calcium reactor product that keeps your mag up, you add it in addtion to your choice of regular reactor media.


I dont carry it yet, but plan too soon.


Thank you guys for helping. Man things are really starting to grow fast again. My Cap grew about 1/4 inch in a little over a week.



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