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FS: 55 gal + stand & hood, live rock (Corvallis)

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Hey everybody - I am breaking down my saltwater tank for the summer while I move back to Bend for an internship. Going to be restarting in the fall with probably a 72 bow, so I need to get rid of this 55. The hood is not in the greatest shape, but the tank itself and stand are pretty good. A bunch of the live rock has some halimeda algae that has attached itself, so that can go with it.


The live rock needs to go before the tank can get taken, I would like $3/pound of that, and $150 for the tank, stand, and canopy. I live basically right behind the campus Dutch Bros. off of Kings, and you can call me at 541-829-9979.


Thanks - Pete

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PETE!!! Wheres the pictures photo boy!!! lol, ill take some of that rock off your hands probably and dont forget the chromis!! but for real post a couple pics and that should sell real quick. Its a great tank and the rock is in excellent condition, cant beat 3$ / lb.

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Guest Snorkelwasp

i can attest to the quality of some of the pieces of live rock...covered in coraline (multiple colors), large "holey" pieces. some have shrooms or polyps. price would be 8plus a pound in stores.


hes leaving in three days...make offers to DR. ink like a fish

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Ok so I feel like a complete douche for yanking this stuff now that someone wants it, but I managed to find a buddy who can keep the rock in his system over the summer while I'm in Bend.


Prada, I apologize for the inconvenience.


The tank, stand and hood are still up for sale, $150 obo, and they really need to go soon, as in like the next 3 days, so I will not refuse a reasonable offer. Someone please take this stuff away!!!

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Ok so I feel like a complete douche for yanking this stuff now that someone wants it, but I managed to find a buddy who can keep the rock in his system over the summer while I'm in Bend.


Prada, I apologize for the inconvenience.


The tank, stand and hood are still up for sale, $150 obo, and they really need to go soon, as in like the next 3 days, so I will not refuse a reasonable offer. Someone please take this stuff away!!!

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Here is a picture of the whole thing when it was set up.


I have a 15H that I was running as my sump, and a 10G that was on the other side underneath as a quarantine, they both have to be wedged in, but they fit. I will give you both of those as well as my ghetto plumbing setup to connect with a HOB overflow if you can come take this thing away.


The issue with the 15H as a sump is that it leaves very little room to get your arm in and work. I had to clean my skimmer cup with a paper towel, inside the sump with my whole arm wedged through about a 3 inch gap, which you can kinda see on the right side underneath in the pic.


Somebody can obviously make use of this setup, sump or not, for $100 dollars!!! if you come get it Wednesday or Thursday. I really need this thing out of here.


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