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Soon to be back!!

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Well it’s been a year with no tank!! It was nice to get things moved and the fishroom converted back to an office for my wife!

I am looking to start a new tank after the new years ring in. This will be on a much smaller scale lol. Looking at Redsea 300 XL G2 and waterbox tanks, mostly at 36” in length but possibly 48”. Will be mostly mixed mixed. Smaller peaceful fish that don’t harasss others or eat my snail or CUC. 

this tank will be going in living room and condition is it has to be dead silent or wife says no go!! 

70-100 gallons primarily is what I’m after. Not opposed to used but has to be rimless, white stand. Illl be on the look out for Black Friday deals and talk to local shops, if you have something you think I may be interested in shoot me a message. 

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