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Predator fish fs/ft


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Ive had these fish for 2+yrs and they're big and fat. I'm getting ready to shut down a couple systems to consolidate/reset..

Blue Carib tang(lavender) not a predator,kept with them to do some cleaning.6in+ $100

Porcupine puffer (spike) 6in+ $50

Niger trigger w/red teeth 6in+ $50

Lunare wrasse 7in+ $ 50

Spotted hawkish 4in+ $30

Domino damsel 4in+ $20

Lemon damsel 2in+ $10

All fed pellets and occasionally frozen shrimp/clams. Willing to trade for corals or do a package deal for all, they're kept together in a lagoon style tank(my old bar build)


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