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ISO 30-50 gallon rimless tank


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Due to a miscalculation (misplaced step on the stairs), my planned IM30L is no longer… functional. 

However, I have all my materials ready to go, so now I am in search of a replacement, something in the 30-50 range, AIO or not, both work.

If you have a tank for sale similar to these parameters please send a message or reply below, ty!!

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1 minute ago, Toadreef said:

Are you looking for something that is running or just a tank so you can build it?

Preferably empty, doesn’t matter if it’s a mess, I can clean. 

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48 minutes ago, Nanojunky said:

That's stinks but I am always watching for reef stuff, if I see something I will let you know.

Thank you, yeah I have moved hundreds of tanks between work and hobby, I should’ve known this was a risky move but you live and learn. Ty!

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46 minutes ago, Toadreef said:

I have a Neptunian Cube R60 (https://www.aquaculturelaboratories.com.au/product-page/neptunian-rainbow-series-r60). Similar to the link but black stand.  64 gallon total, 43 gallon display 21 gallon sump.  Fully running.  Just thinking of moving to just one tank because of time and money.  I was thinking $600. 

Thank you, that might be a bit too much to commit for me as I already have a sump/stand, but I appreciate the offer.

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