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Petco fish in longview Washington


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The sad truth is that if they die, they will just get more.  If you get them to rescue them, they will just get more.  Petco is an unstoppable cruelty machine.  If somebody has the ability to medicate/revive/quarantine these fish, then go for it - but you're only dooming the next set of fish.   The longer these fish suffer, the fewer fish have to die.  Hurts me to say, but it's the truth.

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Yeah, the Salem Petco on Commercial has a fox face, blue tang, and yellow tang.  The fox face and the yellow tang look "ok" swimming around and not totally emaciated.  The blue tang on the other hand was laying on a rock with its gills going 100mph and paper thin.

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I remember someone a while ago asking Petco if they would/could update their 80’s style filtration and they said no (I don’t think they even run a skimmer…). I think they may have even offered to supply the upgrades. Super sad for the animals, but as said, you buy them, the show sales and just keep more coming. I think the only way anything survives is if the store has a “better/more interested” employee trying harder to keep them alive but otherwise based on their junk care routine, it’s very common to see dead/dying fish every visit ☹️

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On 1/12/2023 at 8:45 AM, Abarger16 said:

My local petco has 2 small yellow tangs 200 each and 2 mandarins they are 1/2 in size and a derasa clam I doubt any of these fish are going to survive long at the store i would get them if i could!

I would recommend you just offer to save them if they're about to die, but not actually buy them. I've had/heard of some petco's where they will/might contact you and pass them on to you.

But as everyone else said, you spend a cent and all you will do is reinforce their behavior. Never reward a business for subpar work, or else you'll perpetuate the problem they're causing.

Could potentially also phone up their customer relations. On paper they say that "Any Partner who engages in behavior constituting neglect, mistreatment, cruelty or abuse of any animal will be subject to immediate discipline, up to and including separation from employment," so there's that. I bet it's just for pr and they don't do anything, but it's worth a try. Copy paste: CustomerRelations@petco.com or 1.888-824-7257.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm also guilty of acquiring fish from the Longview Petco. I've had good luck there and so far, I've only lost 1 chromis. The last fish I got there was my pair of Lyretail Anthis I paid $50 for the pair. other fish and inverts I've got that from Petco over the last year that are all still happy and healthy are Neon Goby, File fish, Fire fish, 3 chromis I have 2 now, feather duster, blood red fire shrimp, coral banded shrimp, mini maxi carpet nem, and a cool rock. I'm going to Hell Huh?

Petworks used to be the local place to go but their salt section is almost non-existent now and nothing salty I've bought in the last year has made it more a couple weeks, 10 years ago they were great. They still have amazing freshwater and I get a lot of my freshwater stuff there still.



Edited by mrscuito9833
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The Petco in Orchards is probably one of the best ones I have seen. Their fish are usually fat. I got to know the managers and they are hobbyists and I believe they are running a skimmer in the saltwater section and they actually showed me what's under the hood and they run some pretty expensive looking equipment.

They told me they were going to acquire a frag table which was surprising.

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I go to school at LCC in Longview and Petco is basically across the street, so I stop by about 4 times a week on my way home just to let them know I'm watching. A few weeks back there was a gentleman in there having an employee feed a lionfish, after it ate some, he's like I'm not buy it I just wanted to make sure it got fed. Made me laugh all the way home.

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