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LPS corals not opening/extending


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Hello. I need some advice/tips. I had my tank up and running for about 8 months before I upgraded to a slightly bigger tank. Its been about 4 months now since the tank transfer and there are 2 corals that doesnt seem to want to fully open or fully extend like they use to in my old tank. They dont look bad or unhealthy, they just dont open like they use to. Ive tried everything from moving it to different spots with less light, less flow, more flow, more light , higher area etc… Still the same. I cant seem to figure out what the problem is, its strange because all of my other corals seems to be doing perfectly fine and looks like they are thriving. Even my torches. Its just those 2. My goni or and duncan. Ive attached before and after pictures(Thats the most they extend). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this is so long to read. 





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4 hours ago, islandVib3s said:

Did you upgrade lights also? Hard to say,if you have par readings that would help. Also parameters.  Imma guess its to much light. Sometimes corals extend more with less light,because its reaching for it.

Thanks for the response. Ive always had my radion xr30 but I did add a 4bulb t5 set up with it. I tried turning down the intensity on my radion and even turned off my t5 for a few days. Just ran only my radions like the old days but No difference though. 

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Anytime I added new lighting even a small amount it took time for some corals to adjust compared to others . If I were you I'd leave that new light on however you want it and leave it until you see more adverse reactions to doing so. But for the most part it should settle down .  They look like healthy colonies 

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On 7/13/2022 at 11:08 AM, Conner said:

Anytime I added new lighting even a small amount it took time for some corals to adjust compared to others . If I were you I'd leave that new light on however you want it and leave it until you see more adverse reactions to doing so. But for the most part it should settle down .  They look like healthy colonies 

Thank you. I will definitely go back to how my light set up was and just wait and see how things go. 

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