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August Meeting/BBQ — COVID Precautions


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When we decided in early July to hold our first in-person PNWMAS meeting this August after 18 months of isolation, the rate of COVID infections had dropped significantly due to vaccinations, social distancing, and masks.  But since that decision, the rate of new infections has increased dramatically due to the Delta variant with over 15 times the daily infection rate in Oregon from a month ago.  While the risk of infection among vaccinated individuals remains low, there have been many documented cases of breakthrough infections, and it’s known that vaccinated individuals can still spread the virus to unvaccinated individuals.

Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 8.43.44 PM.png

Though PNWMAS is not going to require proof of vaccination to attend the meeting, I, as the host of this meeting opening up my home, respectfully ask everyone attending to wear a mask while indoors, and to enjoy eating and drinking outdoors without masks on my spacious deck and 1 acre yard where the risk of infection will be much lower.  I just personally would be devastated to hear that our meeting caused anyone to get infected, or for our meeting to become a super-spreader event.

I'm looking forward to hosting this meeting and finally seeing everyone in person again, but I just want everyone to be safe and feel comfortable attending.  Please wear a mask to protect everyone in attendance.  I’m hoping the infection rate will drop again soon so our future meetings will be more relaxed and back to “normal”.

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14 hours ago, SuncrestReef said:


Though PNWMAS is not going to require proof of vaccination to attend the meeting, I, as the host of this meeting opening up my home, respectfully ask everyone attending to wear a mask while indoors, and to enjoy eating and drinking outdoors without masks on my spacious deck and 1 acre yard where the risk of infection will be much lower.  I just personally would be devastated to hear that our meeting caused anyone to get infected, or for our meeting to become a super-spreader event.

I'm looking forward to hosting this meeting and finally seeing everyone in person again, but I just want everyone to be safe and feel comfortable attending.  Please wear a mask to protect everyone in attendance.  I’m hoping the infection rate will drop again soon so our future meetings will be more relaxed and back to “normal”.

@SuncrestReef Thanks for opening your home to us.  I plan to be there, am vaccinated, and will be wearing a mask indoors per your wishes.   As much as I dislike masks, tough times call for reasonable measures.

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40 minutes ago, obrien.david.j said:

@SuncrestReef Thanks for opening your home to us.  I plan to be there, am vaccinated, and will be wearing a mask indoors per your wishes.   As much as I dislike masks, tough times call for reasonable measures.

Tough call for sure John but definitely appreciate opening up your home and providing a nice compromise for the benefit of everyone’s safety. 

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As someone who is vaccinated and has watching this covid thing pretty actively from the beginning, AND probably had covid before we knew it was a thing, I wouldn't be upset if you postponed it.  I wouldn't want my birthday present to be that someone got covid or I helped spread, or got covid myself. lol

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