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Hi everyone, new to this forum. I currently have a 40b mixed reef,jbj DX nano 12 and a 20tall,10,5.5ga on standby.im pretty newish to the hobby but I have done some research to build my 40b and plumbing myself. 2drains 1return.drilled myself for the first time 3/3 with no guide/stencil.

I also make phyto on the side to feed my corals and sale/trade for corals 16oz$10 1gallon $50. Im in Vancouver wa near the mall. Hmu.






Edited by islandVib3s
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Welcome! Glad to have more people on the right side of the river 😉


40 looks good, lots of space to fill up with corals. You going to run a skimmer? 

If you are ever looking for some starter/easy corals, hit me up, I’m just in Camas.

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i just picked up a few today from cuttlefish. as of now i have, kenyas,gsp,candy canes,mushrooms,anacropora,todds torch,splatter hammers,pulsing xenia,random zoas,2 different chalices,toadstool tiny frags.pm me what you have and price or trades.

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On 6/10/2021 at 8:57 AM, Reeftank225 said:

Been real.busy. best way to contact me us text. 503.686.5861

Sorry bud,I've been pretty busy myself,good thing the rain has come to slow me down and check on my tanks again. Lol my tanks are almost all completely filled now,I've been buying more and more corals weekly pretty much.time to slow down a little.but yea I still have phyto and still willing to do trades.

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2 hours ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

Welcome.  I am out in hockinson.  I have frags and what not but mostly higher end stuff.  I might start dosing phyto though.. so maybe we can work something out. 

Oh you're pretty close by, yes I have phyto and brew a fresh batch about every third week or so. I just ordered a mini fridge also to keep a stock and hold my DIY frozen cubes.but yea send me a pm and some pictures, im always willing to do trades

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