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Looking for help Monday 1 pm moving a 125 into the basement from the garage, SE Portland/Lents. Payment in frags?

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Bought a 125 like a year ago I think and finally got the stand refinished and my covid shots so it's time to move it into the basement from my garage. Is anyone available Monday Memorial Day at 1pm? I am near Foster and 205. It's the 6 foot version of the 125, and have some gear to move it with (stair climbing dolly, straps). I think I need 2 additional people. Letting the dolly owner advise, he's an engineer :). But he hurt his back moving amps a few weeks ago so is strictly on spotting duty. Anyone available? I can frag off a big chunk of Duncan, a purple acro (not named), neon sinularia, RBTA, peach tip frogspawn, sunset mushrooms, not sure what people like these days, kinda out of the loop on things.

Anyways, just thought I would try here before I try to rope in friends and family, who maybe think this hobby is already a bit ridiculous without dragging 6 foot tanks into basements.

Thanks, Kate

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Photos of stuff… sorry my tanks are overgrown and these are shoddy ipad pics. I have too much orange ricordea, sinularia is shown both under T5HO and LED in 2 different tanks. All the anemones are splits of eachother but they look better under LED, more compact and bubbling. The acros will be better under LED in the new tank I think, there is a purple tip tabling one and a mostly brown one that can be very colorful. All duncans are from the same colony, lately the ones under LED are paler and shorter tentacles, not sure why. The green mushrooms are sunsets grown in deep shade, sometimes people love them and other years they are “common”. I think the frogspawn is probably what is most desirable. It is more orange with T5 and has a green tint around the mouth under LED, it wins either way. That last photo shows a purple hue on the frogspawn, that is an artifact of photography, sadly. Otherwise it looks right.















Edited by Electrokate
Last sentence on purple artifact after reviewing post
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