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Hi, Fish Friends!! 

I am new to this forum and wanted to share the reason I love this hobby!! Chungus is my 2 yo tiger Oscar. He is actually a really sweet guy (or girl?). Chungus use to eat goldfish before I owned him.. now, he just becomes friends with them. I don’t want a goldfish tank and with research, I don’t feed him goldfish anymore. I love learning about these guys and have so many questions! I don’t know anyone else who is in this hobby and looking for some people to connect with! He lived with tank mates before and I was hoping to connect with someone near me with a friend for our big guy. It has been really difficult to find one that will work with his size. The fish at the local pet stores are pretty small for him. I do know he is aggressive, but hoping I can get some people to share pictures of their oscars tank mates :) I am looking to maybe find some parrotfish. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our beautiful Oscar, Chungus ❤️

please let me know if you would like to see more pictures of Chungus or updates on his tank and possible new tank mates!! 

yay!! Have a great day😎






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I second checking if The Wet Spot. They typically have an incredible selection. The majority of folks on here have saltwater tanks, but I know there's some of us with both 🙋


That's a link I found that seems to have some good intel (full disclosure, I didn't read all of it). You may want to add some decorations in there to help break up the space. That might alleviate some aggression when trying to add new tank mates. 

Best of luck!

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On 5/4/2021 at 8:07 PM, Higher Thinking said:

I second checking if The Wet Spot. They typically have an incredible selection. The majority of folks on here have saltwater tanks, but I know there's some of us with both 🙋


That's a link I found that seems to have some good intel (full disclosure, I didn't read all of it). You may want to add some decorations in there to help break up the space. That might alleviate some aggression when trying to add new tank mates. 

Best of luck!

Thank you. I really appreciate it! It mentions on the link that they recommend a tank size of 75 gallons for one Oscar to have a tank mate. Would you agree with that and keep an Oscar by himself if he is in a 65? 
Thoughts about them being on their own? 

Chungus will be upgrading but is currently in a 65. I want to do what is best for him and open to any advice! 


- Amy 

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On 5/6/2021 at 12:16 AM, For the love of Chungus said:

Thank you. I really appreciate it! It mentions on the link that they recommend a tank size of 75 gallons for one Oscar to have a tank mate. Would you agree with that and keep an Oscar by himself if he is in a 65? 
Thoughts about them being on their own? 

Chungus will be upgrading but is currently in a 65. I want to do what is best for him and open to any advice! 


- Amy 

I'm a little out of my league with Oscars, as to tank size, temperament, etc. You might Google around and see if you see the same advice from multiple sources. If there's a common thread of advice that is usually more reliable than testing something off just one website. Of course checking in with a local freshwater shop will be helpful as well. 

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