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Frag Swap at Roys House


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“As mentioned, the meeting at Stylasters would make an opportune place/time to have a frag swap, and being a little further up north there may be some folks and corals we don't normally get to meet and trade with. So lets get one started here. These are the general guidelines I like to recommend for these coral exchanges.

If you would like, you can do your trading on the fly by just bringing by a few pieces and hoping that some one will have a desirable coral you want...Or better yet, you can post up what you have to trade and work out a preemptive exchange here on the forums, that method always works best for me. You can feel free to use this thread to post your trade-ables in or start a thread of your own.

But First, let me get you some of Bert's basis tips for success here.

1.) make an attempt to have a fragment of reasonable size and health and try and get things cut and ready a few days to a week ahead of time to have the wounds healed up for the exchange. And double/triple check for pest invertebrates or algaes before sending your corals out, we try to keep invasives to a minimum here...And once you get your frags home, just in case, always acclimate the specimens then dip the corals before you put them into your personal aquarium. QT Aquariums are best but good old Revive, Coral RX, Melafix, Iodine, or Bayer will do much better at prevention than nothing.

2.) Try to package your corals appropriately. This can mean not putting a spiny coral like birds nest into a thin dollar store bag or not utilizing insulation on an extended cold or warm trip. Try a small cooler or Styrofoam. If you can't find either of these and the destination is a long distance, keep the vehicle air conditioned or heated appropriately. As far as packaging goes you can double bag and use thicker mil plastics, or something else like a Tupperware or specimen container. I have even used washed out yogurt or cottage cheese containers that stack well inside the coolers. Just use something that will work, nothing like losing a nice and colorful animal because the bag got too cold and leaked all the water out on the way home.

3.)Do your best to be courteous and fair to one another by not take advantage of each others ignorance or generosity. These are people of all levels in the hobby so give them the benefit of your knowledge and experience instead of the cold shoulder. And speaking of generosity, that giving nature has always been smiled upon here at PNWMAS and pay it forward tends comes back around these parts.

So Let's see em folks,  Whatcha Got!? Corals that is!”

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As usual I have a large list of things that I can cut if someone is interested. I snapped some crappy cell phone pics of a few I had to cut for a friend and will have extras due to the nature of my fragging methods.


Naty spiral Montipora pieces. I will get a better shot soon as this is a nice coral.


Had to trim my Australian Pink Hyacinth Acropora again.


A few chalices including the mango, Miami Hurricane, and cotton candy.


A few Birds nests including the ORA Hyacinth Hystix.


Digitatas too like Forest Fire, Green, Red, Blue...


Pink Damicornus and Greens. I have some Stylophoras I may cut as well.

I also have a ton of zoas and other corals that could use a trim. I always have a few extra drags lying around too.



I did also cut my main photosynthetic Gorgonions for the next trade. Gold bases, Gruubs, purple polyp, and maybe even a whip or two.


Still some Euphyllia left too, and then there are the Zoas...

I will add to this post again very soon.

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