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What are they?


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I’ll start by apologizing if this is posted in the wrong spot.


Then follow it with another apology as I can not get a good picture of what I’m seeing. 

I don’t run mech filtration on my tank so I’m used to the “marine snow” stuff flying everywhere and it doesn’t bother me. Lately though I’ve noticed an explosion of little white dots on the glass and sandbed. Not a big deal but they also seem to gather on the top of my Pink Caddilac frag. I blew them off, next day there they are again.

Then I notice they are moving around not just being blown around. So I suck up a little water and put it on a dish for a closer look. I only have my little handheld scope I use for my grows. Works in a pinch but not good for pictures. I tried to use it in conjunction with my phone to get a good pic but no luck. 

So I will attempt to describe them. Under the scope, they look like little clear clams/bivalves. A shell on each side, no eyes or anything. The weird thing is they have several little spider-leg like appendages coming out an opening down their middle. 


I know what copepods, amphipods, isopods, limpets, flatworms, nudis, etc, look like but I’ve never seen these. I’ve been looking online for several hours for anything similar. Even looking at larval stages of any inverts I have in the tank. 


I know now it’s almost impossible to get an ID without a decent picture but I figured it was worth a shot. 


Any clues y’all? 

Bad pics:





Edited by Salted_Waffles
Managed some bad pictures.
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