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Freshwater Floating Plants


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My floating plants have exploded, and I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in some for their own tank/second cousin's betta tank/jar of water on a windowsill/whatever.


These are freebies if anyone wants them (although I never say no to houseplant clippings or frags hehe). I really just hate throwing away plants... I even feel guilty tossing my chaeto (which I do in small quantities every week or so, if anyone is looking for a start).


Located in SW Portland.d2e5fce7444a51bf0595f54d5da0cd62.jpg


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I honestly don't know for certain what kinds they are. Some is frogbit, I think there is some salvinia, a bit of duckweed, a bit of red root floaters, and possibly some water lettuce? I bought it initially as a mix.

So far as if it can be an outdoor nix, I understand some is fairly hardy and would do ok, but I haven't tried first hand, nor could I say which would survive. If you want to try some out, definitely update me, because I'm curious! I might have to test a bit out myself....

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How large are those leafs?  Would these do OK in a backyard pond with a waterfall feature?
I don't know how large your water feature is, but they aren't huge leaves. I saw a cool trick on bending rigid airline tubing to control there they're able to grow, and was able to apply the idea to keep my plants from being pushed under the water by my HOB filter return flow (until they grew over, at least....) I bet you could do something similar to protect them a bit? I'll take a picture for scale once I'm a bit more awake.

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