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DIY QT tank from scratch


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Well its out of necessity so i can treat the AEFW that have somehow infested my SPS corals. Got some wood, some pvc and went to work. The new miter saw came in SOOO handy for this. The setup will be a 10gal display with a 10gal sump, DIY 70w 10k MH pendant, DIY PVC overflow, and a DIY stand. Let the pics begin


The start of a basic 2x4 stand










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Well on top of building this i also got 3 fence posts into the ground and cemented in so i'm pretty beat. I'll finish up gluing the overflow tomorrow, and wire up the ballast to the fixture. After the pvc glue dries it will be time for a leak test. I hope to have this thing running wed or thurs as i should also have my TMPCC by then.

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Thanks. The pendant is only gonna weigh 1 or 2 LBS, and with 4 3" screws it holds pretty tight. I do plan on using a few of the triangles i cut for support.


I got the idea for the overflow from 3reefs. There will be a hole in the first elbow that points down on the outside of the tank, and i'll have a check valve on it, so any air that builds up there will be removed. The last upright, the one coming out of the T, will be left open to allow air to escape. You simply suck the air out of the check valve and it starts up the syphon. From the posts that had used this type of overflow, most did not even need that valve but it sure can't hurt.

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If the power fails, the level in tank falls until the syphon is broken by air entering the drain. The 'T' on the outside, combined with the vent stack stops the siphon break before the air can break under the bottom 'U' in the tank. This leaves the over the tank 'U' filled. When the power starts back up and the water enters the top drain again, there is enough suction to clear the air in the drain tube.


Here is a link for more info on the overflow


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Ok got some more done tonight :D


This would make a perfect nano setup Ron. I could fit a 20gal on that stand too. Hmmmmmmmmmmm


Here is the overflow being tested. I did not glue the "U" that goes over the tank, rather I used teflon tape to create the seal. I wanted a test before i glued it all together. It did not keep up as i turned up the water from the faucet, i'm hoping thats because of either 1. i have not installed the air release yet or 2. because there is air coming in from not gluing them. Anyway it suited me fine so i went ahead and glued it up



Simulate a power outage




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Got my TMPCC today :D Should have the return pump soon as well.


Also finished up the overflow, added a few supports for the light holder and did some grinding to the fixture to make the bulb fit better. Last thing to do is put it together and leak test, i'll do that sunday i think and i'll have more pics.

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You beat me to it! My friends are getting married so i've been busy helping and doing the bachelor party thing last weekend.


Tonight i plan to hook up all the plumbing and run the leak test, so i will definately have more pics tonight :) I picked up a Rio 1700 from Keither for the return. I'll also run my AC500 and 2 tunze minis for water movement in the tank. That should be good flow for the SPS.

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Here we go. Leak testing now. I'm a little concerned about the overflow. It keeps up fine, but is a little noisy. Not sure how to fix that. A lot of the sound comes from the vent stack. Putting a piece of acrylic with a hole in it helped a bunch. But sometimes a sucking sound can be heard from the intake inside the tank. Also the water crashing into the sump is REALLY loud. I might remake the overflow out of 1.25" and do hard plumbing the whole way.


All together and filling






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Ok i cut the vent stack down. That helped the flow a TON! Before the water level was creaping up to the black trim on the tank. Now its down to right above the intake, so i think i need to lower the intake and this will be perfect.







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Ok i cut down the intake more and as a result had to cut the vent stack down more too. But it runs virtually silent now, but you can still hear the water crashing into the sump. So i'm gonna live with it for a month, maybe hang a sheet or blanket around the sump to dampen the sound a bit





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Miles build a small stand out of eggcrate that is just higher then the waterline and then put a small piece of foam filter on that. The water will have to go thru the foam filter and not just crash into the sump should make things more quiet and it gives you filtration. HTH

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