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Tank healp


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Hallo everyone iam located in monmouth and just trying to get in to the hobby of reef keeping and I have had a 40 breeder up and running for about six months and all was going well for awhile but now I have made some kinda mistake and my tank is not looking good and am starting to lose corals iam wondering if anyone that has some experience in the hobby and is located in monmouth wold be willing to meet me and come take a look at my tank to give me some advice on what I should do or what might be happening anyway all my tests come out good so iam not shere what's going on



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I am not sure if the cloudiness comes from the glass or the water, but just in case:

Run carbon immediately and do a water change every other day. I imagine the cloudiness will go away very quick.

Test ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH. Let us know what they are and we can give some guidance.

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Ok so I came home tonight to a tank that I had covered with a blanket thinking it may have been a alge thang not any better so I tested and came up with
Apia tests of
7.8 ph
.25 or .00 ammonia hard to tell
0 nitrite
0 nitrate
0 phosphate

And with red sea tests of
9.8 kh
About 650 calcium wow is that to high
1600 mag. Is that to high
1.025 salinity

So I did about a 40% wc and it looks better but I still don't have high hopes I fill like I have been kicked in the u know what I that I could do this I have been keeping fresh water for years cc862a233c2747011b15d3d8e01ca86e.jpgfc5ad6946e2289b2f4cbc84bd39031df.jpg

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I had mag at 1600+ before and didn't really seem to hurt anything to bad. Never had cal. that high but did have it just above 500.  What type of salt are you using?  I had been using red sea coral plus which had high elevated levels of mag cal and alk which was causing swings everytime i did a water change. I couldn't figure out why my mag and cal kept climbing up till i tested the water i was using for water changes, mag was over 1600 and cal was over 500. Switched salts to aquaforest which mixes a little below my goal on all parameters and i just use a little 2 part to raise to desired level. I also Started dosing 2 part with a dosing pump at the same time and my water parameters have been very steady ever since.  Test the water you are using for your water changes and make slow adjustments till you find a sweet spot.  

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I had mag at 1600+ before and didn't really seem to hurt anything to bad. Never had cal. that high but did have it just above 500.  What type of salt are you using?  I had been using red sea coral plus which had high elevated levels of mag cal and alk which was causing swings everytime i did a water change. I couldn't figure out why my mag and cal kept climbing up till i tested the water i was using for water changes, mag was over 1600 and cal was over 500. Switched salts to aquaforest which mixes a little below my goal on all parameters and i just use a little 2 part to raise to desired level. I also Started dosing 2 part with a dosing pump at the same time and my water parameters have been very steady ever since.  Test the water you are using for your water changes and make slow adjustments till you find a sweet spot.  

That's is great advice I have been using kent and ran out so I had to get a new Bach maybe it's just not as consistent as the last one would the high levels cause issues I don't know how high on those is to high

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I assumed Kent Salt when I Saw 600 Calcium, then you confirmed that. 600 is extremely high for your calcium you need to begin dropping that, part of the cloudiness could be precipitation of the calcium or maybe bacteria from excess nutrients or a late cycle.  As for the Magnesium, I wouldn't be too concerned several people purposely boost those levels upwards of 2000 without any notable issues.

I would start off by buying a 2nd set of test kits, I never like to rely on just 1 set, and begin testing every new batch you mix as in my experience Kent is not consistent on the proportions, hence while i liked them and used them for years, a couple years back I had to switch from too many issues with Alkalinity levels. Kent is high on Calcium, I always had levels over 500 when using it.

Secondly I have a hard time believing your phosphates are at 0 in a 40 Gallon breeder with a substrate bottom, and a hang on the back filter, I would probably have that checked next and ensure you are close to what those levels are.

From there the only thing I could suggest is buying a nice Skimmer, and doing 15% - 20% water changes weekly ensuring you are vacuuming substrate, watching the amount of food your putting in there, and whatever filter media you are using, replace it. If thats bacteria 1 big water change isn't going to fix the issue.


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my only observation is that the red sea mag test is very very finicky if you don't follow the instructions EXACTLY!!

shake for a full 15 seconds after each DROP of solution A and shake a full 60 seconds after adding the 5 drops of B. Then titrate. I'm willing to bet you will come in lower on your mag reading.

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