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Reef safe silicone?


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I'm sure this question has come up before, but is it necessary to purchase silicone labeled as aquarium safe or is all 100% silicone fine once cured? The kitchen and bath silicone seems to be treated with a mildew inhibitor so would stay away from these. Thanks.



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Went through this recently...the issue is there is "100%" silicone that does and does not contain mildew inhibitors. GE type 1 is good to use, GE type 2 is not. Lots of debaits but personally I'd just buy aquarium specific stuff and not worry about it. Aqueon sells some on Amazon. Cost wise they are within a few dollars...why risk all your corals to save a few bucks?!?

The issue also is if your running a bead for a baffle or seam the cure time is NOT what the bottle says. It will take longer to cure the inside than the outside as air exposure is what causes the cure. Most people wait 2 weeks to be safe instead of the 24 hours most products say.

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6 minutes ago, Blue Z Reef said:

Went through this recently...the issue is there is "100%" silicone that does and does not contain mildew inhibitors. GE type 1 is good to use, GE type 2 is not. Lots of debaits but personally I'd just buy aquarium specific stuff and not worry about it. Aqueon sells some on Amazon. Cost wise they are within a few dollars...why risk all your corals to save a few bucks?!?

The issue also is if your running a bead for a baffle or seam the cure time is NOT what the bottle says. It will take longer to cure the inside than the outside as air exposure is what causes the cure. Most people wait 2 weeks to be safe instead of the 24 hours most products say.

+1, totally agree.  Buy the stuff made for aquariums on amazon for just a couple of bucks more.  Then no need to worry or remember (was it ge 1 or 2?)


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All depends what you are doing but Home Depot sells an aquarium safe silicone made by DAP. It comes in a squeeze tube and I was able to get 4 baffles glued down in a sump and had extra left over. If you want the higher end stuff then amazon is your friend there.

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