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BEAN ANIMAL help, pls!

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To all Bean Animal overflow experts...I'm looking for some advice.


I'm getting ready to have my custom overflow drilled within the next few days and I would like to know what size bulkheads I should use and how far apart should the bulkheads be from each other.



Tank 36x36x24 acrylic cube

(should be done in a few days)

Sump 30x30x18 acrylic with 3 basic chambers, nothing too fancy.

Return pump:

I have a mag 18 and a mag 9.5. Which one is best suited for this overflow?


Overflow box will be external and it'll be an "almost" coast-to-coast overflow, just 3" short from each side, so, 30" long overflow.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated!




Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

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The bulkheads can be quite close together without issue.  Just leave enough room to fit your 90s.  You can mock it up with plumbing parts on the floor and measure spacing.


The pipe size should be big enough such that any one pipe could keep up with the return pump at full siphon.


The mag18 is 1800 GPH.


If we pretend there is no head loss, you are looking at 1.25" or 1.5" drains according to this site:




Three that size of course, it is a bean animal.


Here is a great picture from RC that shows the full siphon deeper than the siphon, that is important or it can be hard to get started:




Hope that helps!

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