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Badxgillen Sakura Grow Out Competitiom

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This grow out frag will be going into one of my shallow acrylic tanks.

Aquarium- Acrylic and about 120 gallons

Filteration-Moded Coralife skimmer with Reef Octopus needle wheel pump.

Circulation-Maxi Jet 1,500 Gallon Per Hour Circ Pump and the good old Koralia 750 gallon I believe for a total of 2,250GPH. I aim to get better flow soon this tank soon enough though.

Daily\Weekly additions-Activated Carbon, carbon dosing, 3 part dosing BRS style, variety of frozen foods for the fish and coral gumbo.

Fish- bi color angel, coral beauty angel, pair of percula clowns, and an algae blenny.

Lighting- the new Reefi LED for 12 hours on and 12 hours off.


PH 8

KH 9-10 I don't want it this high and aim to let it lower some before dosing again.

Calcium 500 comments same as KH above

Magnesium 1500

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 5-10




Side Shot ;)




And Top Down X)




I have a total of two polyps to start with...Actually I had four but I cut mine in half to make sure my friend Lex got to participate as well as I. It was my system that they got blown around in any ways. maybe they will show up...




Maybe not :(  


There is 300 pounds of rock in the system as well so who know where those polyps are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This grow out frag will be going into one of my shallow acrylic tanks.

Aquarium- Acrylic and about 120 gallons

Filteration-Moded Coralife skimmer with Reef Octopus needle wheel pump.

Circulation-Maxi Jet 1,500 Gallon Per Hour Circ Pump and the good old Koralia 750 gallon I believe for a total of 2,250GPH. I aim to get better flow soon this tank soon enough though.

Daily\Weekly additions-Activated Carbon, carbon dosing, 3 part dosing BRS style, variety of frozen foods for the fish and coral gumbo.

Fish- bi color angel, coral beauty angel, pair of percula clowns, and an algae blenny.

Lighting- the new Reefi LED for 12 hours on and 12 hours off.


PH 8

KH 9-10 I don't want it this high and aim to let it lower some before dosing again.

Calcium 500 comments same as KH above

Magnesium 1500

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 5-10




Side Shot ;)




And Top Down X)




I have a total of two polyps to start with...Actually I had four but I cut mine in half to make sure my friend Lex got to participate as well as I. It was my system that they got blown around in any ways. maybe they will show up...




Maybe not :(


There is 300 pounds of rock in the system as well so who know where those polyps are.

Where the heck is this tank? How have I never seen it? New addition to the porch? Edited by Higher Thinking
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It was on the side of the house when I took the porch down. I insulated the walls and put the shallow acrylic tanks in instead of the standards all glass that I had years before. When the PizzaPipeline closed down not long ago I had to do something with the livestock and rock so I went all salt on the porch and no fresh water due to the situation, it was 210 gallon reef.


One day I will get all glass shallow tanks for the porch but right now this is fine by me...You know how utilitarian I am.

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