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Power Outage


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I had a power outage* in my house last week, and my battery back ups didn't work as well as I thought they would, because I had not set things up well.  Anyway, this video coincidentally was emailed to me through Marine Depot, so I thought I would share:




*Somehow the drip loop between the power pole and the connection to my house was pulled taught so with the rain, water streamed down the inside of my wall right into the circuit breaker box.  Not fun.  Goes to show you don't need a huge storm or natural disaster to have a power outage.

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Oh man, into your circuit breaker?  Thank goodness it didn't burn down the house.  Cannot even imagine what a pain that was.


One cool tip shared in the past.  


Get the biggest inverter you can run off of your car.  


Hook it up and start your car, leave it running (OUTSIDE!  Safety first!)


Run an extension cord from the inverter to your fish room.  


Plug in the most critical items.  


Cheap and easy in a pinch hopefully the car does not get stolen..


APEX has some killer options for conserving power in an outage as well.


I keep and maintain a generator as we lose power a few times a year.  Short outtages are handled by UPS, long outtage (if home) are handled by low cost generator.


Bottom line, lots of good options, and our tropical reef environments need electricity to live.  Don't get caught with your proverbial pants down...


Thanks Holly

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