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What algae is this?


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I have this set up for about 2 months now and a few weeks ago I saw this algae growing on the rock. And some on the sand.

At first I thought it is diatoms but I don't know anymore. They look almost brown/black and can be brushed away with a toot brush. It looks like dust when brushed away.

There are some small air bubble trapped and I don't think they are red slime because thy seem to grow like coralline algae. Notice the edge in the picture.

Pictures have 1000 words.






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Although it is very hard to see anything in the pictures,I would guess you have cyanobacteria or possibly dinos popping up.I would lean on the cyano side.

I only had 3 hermit crabs I introduced and that was after I saw the spots pop up. I'll try to put another picture.



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I don't know the scientific words but it looks like the typical red slime. I had a bloom of it in my nano 10gal and its due to high phosphates. Have you done a full water perimeter check? Also what type of cleaner crew do you have? Is it just the hermits? How long are your lights on? I've been told 8 hrs is ideal to help keep blooms down. I'd try getting some snails like turbos, conchs, and a urchin. Hope this helps



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The first picture in the previous post shows this growing underneath the rock where light doesn't hit directly. I only had the tank set up for about 2 months. Bleached rock and cured for about 2 months without light.

Yes only the 3 hermits. Light is on for 9 hours.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is another picture with the algae in the rock. Now it is in a more advanced stage.

Notice the bubbles trapped by it.



Here is another picture with this thing. It is not like red slime because this is not stringy. It covers the rock with great detail. 607c6f15e987a2d6fba1a5b9611d97eb.jpg




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Love the angel on the first pick one of my favorites for sure. as far as the algae goes your tank is still very young it'll go through these phases no matter what really you can increase your flow it'll help and all go away overtime or you can use the chemical stuff but with the lack of flow it's possible that it will come back or some other kind will come back. Oh yeah and the big one water changes help immensely!!!!

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Didn't the Chemiclean work? If it is cyano then Chemiclean will knock it out.


If the Chemiclean did NOT work, then it is dinoflagellates. I beat my dinos by lowering my nutrients--nitrate and phosphate. Nitrate by carbon dosing and phosphate by using phosphate absorbing media.


There is also a Dino-X product by Fauna Marin that I just ordered to have on hand in case. Supposedly it works against some dino strains.




Good luck!

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Didn't the Chemiclean work? If it is cyano then Chemiclean will knock it out.


If the Chemiclean did NOT work, then it is dinoflagellates. I beat my dinos by lowering my nutrients--nitrate and phosphate. Nitrate by carbon dosing and phosphate by using phosphate absorbing media.


There is also a Dino-X product by Fauna Marin that I just ordered to have on hand in case. Supposedly it works against some dino strains.




Good luck!

Chemiclean didn't do anything to it.

Isn't Dino light brown or some light color?

I never had Dino's before so I only know from research and pictures.



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Dino can vary in color a bit depending on the kind you have and your lights. I had a type of Dino once that fluoresced orange under my actinics. You probably have Dino. What are your nitrate and phosphate levels?

Nitrates are around 2.5. I don't know about phosphates but I am running gfo.


I think I will bleach again and start over again. I don't have any corals just the 2 fish at this point.


Uh oh!



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Thats because it doesn't look like cyano, looks like Dyno's and if that's the case I hate to say it but good luck with your battle it is a very difficult one.

the problem is solved.

I bleached everything and started again.






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