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Help with sump to refugium loop


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I am building a 40g refugium for my 65g reef, and was hoping to get some help. I'm sure this is going to be an easy one for you veterans!


I am wanting to pull water from my sump and push it into my new refugium (will be next to tank in separate enclosure) and back into sump once it reaches the end. How will I be able to have a consistent flow pulling from sump and pushing back into sump. The part I'm stumped on is making the flow from and to sump match exactly so I will not have any issues with overflow. I will be getting another auto top off and modifying it to work for this exact reason but is there a way to do this without using a top off as an emergency overflow.


What I mean by using a top off is putting a top off inside of my refugium and put pump inside sump, put the float inside refugium so if it were to ever get up to the float it will cut off the power to the pump that is enabling it to pump from sump into refugium.


Is there a valve (like a gate valve we use on main tank) for 1" flexible tubing to limit flow, or is there a way to make it match exactly? Will two of the same pumps work? The part I don't understand is if the head on each pump is different.


Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks for your help and for reading my post!!!


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You are way over thinking this lol put your ato in your return chamber of your sump and just throw a 400gph pump to feed the refug then drill two 3/4 inch holes for a drain back to the sump. Works great simple cheap pump and never had a flood issue with it. (But I have had many a floods lol). I also have a 40b as a refug and it grows like crazy with this layout.

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I have two holes in my sump already for my loop to and from tank, didn't want to have to replumb anything cuz I have external pumps. Look and my post "already addicted noob" and u can see what I'm working with, its changed a little since than but not much.


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If you all ready have a pump, you can just t off of it and put a valve on it to control how much water runs throw the refug. As long as the refug drains to the sump then your not going to have a floods. And I'm also not sure why your worried about head pressure?

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That will never work you will have a flood the first day!!!! Even if they are both the same in every way you can't get them to pump the same gph 24/7. Just pump it in and drill the tank the is no need for a overflow box if that is what your try to getaway with have to buy? I just put a 90*elbo on the inside of the bulkhead and it's the Same as a over flow...

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If you could explain in more detail how this would be done. And I have not yet acquired the 40g breeder for this, I'll there be one side that will for sure not be tempered glass so it can be drilled successfully? I have never drilled into glass and am nervous about that. But again if you can let me know exactly how this would push and pull water with the use of whatever pump, please I am very curious. Don't forget I'm a noob so I'm new but learn from reading and talking in a daily basis from educated people like yourself! Thanks again for all your input!!!


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Also, I don't care about having to buy and overflow box, I'm trying to do everything j can to conserve pace so my refugium can be as large as possible. The skimmer will still be I. The original sump, refugium is going to be as dedicated to just a refugium as possible. Thanks again!


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There is no push/pull with the refugium. And more importantly, you can never just use two pumps in opposite directions. The flow will never match. What Chris was saying was that you need to have the 40 breeder drilled. When you pump water into the refugium, it will fill up, then flow into the drilled tubes and gravity will lead it into the sump. This of course is HIGHLY DEPENDENT on you positioning the refugium above the sump. Gravity is what moves the water from the refugium to the sump and the pump is what moves water from the sump to the refugium.


There is a way to use overflow boxes to do the same thing, but it's not nearly as fool proof and takes an aqua lifter and some more tinkering. Save yourself so much time and just get the tank drilled. There are several members on the forum who would probably help you with it. Although I hear it's pretty easy, I've never done it myself.

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Just raise the fuge above the sump and still the 40 towards the top. Install a bulkhead with a 90 street elbow inside the fuge with the top at your desired water level and plumb the du side of the bulkhead with pic to the sump. I agree, you are way over thinking this

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Ya, that is the same reason I made an emergency overflow between sump and DT, I can now sleep at night. I was literally waking up randomly in the middle of the night to check and see if it was flooded, and racing home just in case something was "just about to happen" now I can sleep and the tank is doing great!!!!! Still a noob, but I'm getting there!!!


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It's not loud but you can hear the sound of water going down mine. It is in my spare bed room closet so I don't care about it really. but if you want it silent then have two drains and put a valve on one and close it till it has just water going (no air) called a herbi drain. Easy and less complicated then some of the other styles.

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