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Lagoon tank


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            So, I have decided that it is time to revamp my 55 gal freshwater tank. I want to convert it to a saltwater lagoon. The plan is to have a variety of macroalgae and a few soft corals. It will have a 30 gal tall sump without skimmer. Yes, a skimmerless tank. I Know lagoons have low flow but how low is low? Since the tank is not empty yet, I will figure it out later. I think the sand bed will be deep because lagoons do not have a lot of rock. I will put as much live rock into the sump as i can. There will be three to four silver utility lights hanging over the tank. I may spray paint them black depending how they look over the tank. They will have LED bulbs in them. I know Lagoons have a lot of feather dusts, marcoalgae, and soft coral. I am having a hard time finding information on what fish tend to live in lagoons, other than juvenile fish. So, I would love to get suggestions on fish. Seahorse will go well in a tank like this but no seahorses. This tank may become a dragonface pipefish breeding tank, so I would need pipefish safe fish and invertebrates. I am not heart set on breeding the dragonface pipefish due to difficulties of rearing the fry. If I do have pipefish fry, they will be moved to the sump. I can have fish that will eat the fry.  

            On to the sump. More than likely, I will not drill the tank to the refugium. The sump will have three chambers. I already have installed the baffles in the sump. I will put live rock in the first chamber and possible the cancer of tanks, pulsing Xenia for added filtering. There is not much room under the stand with the sump, so lighting is the determining factor for Xenia. The second chamber will house macroalgea to help balance the PH. The third is the return +/- live rock. 

            I hope to start cycling the tank by summer or late spring. I still have to remove the last 5 fish, clean the tank, buy LED  lamps, return pump, and water fans. If I am not too lazy, I will remove the fish and clean the tank this weekend. I think I will control this tank with an apex. If anyone have any good photos of lagoons, please do post them or pm me. I am having a hard time finding good underwater lagoon shots for inspiration. There is not much in underwater photos of lagoons. Feel free to give stocking ideas as well. This will be my lagoon build thread.

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This book is a bit technical, but lots of good information on various biotope aquariums. Here it is on a .PDF file. I have some other references, and will look for them later. http://share.luisquerido.com/Dynamic%20Aquaria.pdf


Here are a couple of excellent articles.




Some Suppliers


Awesome live rock...talk to them and let them know what you are looking for on the rock..gorgonians, plants, etc.  Fresh off the reef. Lots of diversity of marine life!! They also carry some "cured" rock that has been in holding tanks awhile.





*You can always let us know when you have pipefish fry. Would be glad to return some that grow out! :)

Edited by JManrow
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That books is amazing, John. Adding the hardcover to my wishlist...


I bought my copy of  "Dynamic Aquaria: Building Living Ecosystems" by Walter H. Adey and Karen Loveland as soon as it was published back in 1991.  It is currently in it's 3rd Edition. There's a good number of affordable copies available online @ amazon.com

 There are many associated links at Dr. Adey's website. http://www.walteradey.com/

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Thanks JManrow for the info. I just re-realize there is a spot on the forum for tank builds. I will start a tank build thread in the right area. On a side note, I finished cleaning my tank out and have all the lights I need for it. I think i will go the mostly dry rock route again. I will seed the dry rock in my other tank.

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Thanks JManrow for the info. I just re-realize there is a spot on the forum for tank builds. I will start a tank build thread in the right area. On a side note, I finished cleaning my tank out and have all the lights I need for it. I think i will go the mostly dry rock route again. I will seed the dry rock in my other tank.

 Looking forward to the build thread! Will you be using Par38 LED Flood lamps? I'm really happy with the one that I'm using.

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