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TECO Zoa\Paly Grow Out 2015

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I have some that are a bit similar to but not quite the same. To be honest it would not matter if I did have them as I just really want to play, not to mention it is really interesting to see what everyones coral does under all these different conditionds. Its like an experiments with multiple peoples documentaion turned into a fun competition. Besides, you know there is some form of mystery prize for the winner... There will be another grow out just around the corner so if these zoas aren't you're thing just sit back and catch the next game, it will be stony for sure..

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At this point I am going to order both rocks as I don't see too many people that would be opposed to that, I f I am wrong please correct me.

Also , Jody is making a killer deal on these and it is looking like a $15 buy in wich gets you both zoanthids to participate in the competition.

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Can I be in this? I posted a while back?



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He will probably make a list of people who asked.. or have an official sign up and first pay first serve.. 


we need to figure out how many frags can be made.. probably 3p of the Star Spangled zoas, and 2p of the Rusty Daises.. or 2 and 1 depending on the amount of people


I put my trust in BadXGillen to make a good frag, he runs pretty much a coral museum .  but are you sure that cost will cover glue and frag discs? I suspect both corals on the same disc for photo purposes, but 2 would make more sense in the long run for them both surviving. Maybe someone can make up some thin wider tongue shaped discs (______) for the club? 

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