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WTS/WTT ricordea rock


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I have a rock that's roughly football sized. covered in a maroon (green-centered) mushrooms. I'll count them and try for a pick tonight, guessing there's 15 of them, most are about 4 in diameter. I'd be happy to take a trade of frags (prefer LPS) or fish (especially yellow or bristletooth tang, firefish or chromis). or for equipment: a powerhead (koralia 1050 or similar preferred), auto-topoff switch, filter socks...make me an offer


cash offers accepted too (but hoping for a trade)


talk to me, offer...not quite sure the value here.

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I counted at least 16 different mushrooms on here, most are 4" or so in diameter.


pic of it in place (xenia are not on the rock being traded, but am planning on fragging some soon):



pic of it in my hand:



I'm guessing 6-7 lbs, but I really don't know...

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