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Anyone have problems with serpentine star eating fish?


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I am pretty sure that my large serpentine star caught and ate my yellow tang. (threaten) I had a powder tang turn up missing a couple of days before hand, but I had just got him and he was in a bad way from the time I put him in there. I have had the yellow tang for 8 months and was just admiring him a few hours before thinking he had a really nice color and was nice and thick. Last night I saw the star fish with his arm hanging out where the tangs swam through the rock, but didn't think much of it being that my yellow tang was very healthy looking.


Has anyone else had this issue with a serpentine star?

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I believe they are just scavengers if you do some reading on them. I have had mine for 6-7 years and never had a problem even with small fish, they hang right around with him all the time. I also have a large brittle star, same, but he doesn't come out much just the tentacles when food is in the water

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