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Should I vacuum my sandbed


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So I have a 40 gallon DT and a 40 gallon sump, with a total water volume of about 55 gallons.

I have a 2 inch sand bed, I do a 5 gallon water change a week. Should I be vacuuming my sand bed out when I do water changed. It is hard to vacuum the sand bed when doing such a small water change.

If I leave my sand bed undisturbed, will I eventually get a tank crash?


I hope to switch to a new tank in a few months (my tank is scratched), I was thinking of doing a DSB in my new tank. Any opinions on this?

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Nassarius snails are my favorite for this. They bury themselves in the sand during the day, or until food is present. They definitely keep your sand stirred up, and its like watching an undead army come to life when they all come up at the first sign of food. Cerith snails also do a bit of sifting, and my tigertail cucumber as well.

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