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Possible Refug


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If you have a way to elivate the fuge you can have it gravity feed in to the return pump chamber. Its the way it is on my 120 and seems to work out really well. Plus one less pump to worry about.


Disclamer. I am a noobie so any comments that I make should be taken with a grain of salt (whistle)

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You will never get two pumps to match output. Just not the way the world works. The excact same pumps from the same batch next to each other will not match enough to do what you are trying to do.


You need to elevate the refugium and siphon/overflowbox drain to the sump, or have the sump do the same to the refugium and put your return pump in the fuge.



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I think my return pump might be a bit much for refug. It is a reeflo barracuda 4500 gph. That's why I was thinking of two pumps. One into the refug and one out of the refug near the return pump. I know no 2 pumps are not the same. But what could do is put 2 psi gauges in there and try and match them.

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You can always tee off of your displays drain and add a ball valve to control how much water flows from the display down into your refugium. You will have to either have your sump drain into your refugium or your refugium drain into your sump with your return pump in the later of the two. If you don't want to mess with that then you can add a pump in your sump(or better yet T off of you displays pump) to pump only into your refugium then have your refugium drain into your sump. You don't need 4500gph flowing through your sump and returning to your display so using your existing pump to power your refugium would be a good idea.


The problem with your idea is that the pumps will both pump water into your display but your drain water will have not be equally draining into your refugium and sump respectively. i.e. 4500gph into the display + your refugium pump then 4500+ your refugium pumps worth of water coming back into your refugium and sump at much different rates then their respective pumps are pumping in. You want the exact amount of water that you are pumping into something from something to return to that something. There just isn't a way to do that with the method you have in mind.

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Well I had my refug right where I wanted... But it was to close to the chiller and my tank jumped to almost 82 degrees. I then open my man cave door (aka the garge) and it took 3 hours to cool it down. Thank god I caught it early. I might order http://www.marinedepot.com/CPR_AquaFuge_2_Hang_on_Refugium_Hang_On_Refugiums_Sumps-CPR-CR1721-FIRFEB-vi.html


Don't know yet. Any input on it?

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