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Lighting - Metal Halide Replacements


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Hi all, I am looking at replacing my used Halides soon. They 250watt SE Bulbs. Since I dont know the age of them I figured that I would replace them sooner rather then later. What ones would be the best choice. I have hurd Radium are good and so are Ushio. Is there a certain Kevlin unit I should be shooting for?

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I'm not running halides on this tank anymore since its mainly a fowlr but I would run all three the same. Otherwise the lighting will look funny. I had the ushios and they were very yellow. Didn't care for them myself. The other bulb that would be cool single end is the phoenix 14k bulbs.


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The color on the radiums is ideal, but you will sacrifice growth(when compared to a 10 or 14k).


How big is your tank again? I like the way tim at Westside(and many others...) does it on his big tanks:20k radiums in the front, 10k in back for growth.



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