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Quiet Skimmers


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If you can go up to 600 then you have a lot of options. My call would be for the ATB 840 V.2

Noise from those is almost zero and the performances outstanding.

It does 700 ltr/hr so it is perfectly sized for a well stocked 120. Kris has one running

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Got an SWC cone 160 with Atman pump this summer. Really quiet, just amazing, had to redo my plumbing to get rid of the gurgles after installing it because there was not white noise covering it and now the other skimmers in the room drive me nuts (:.


Minus side: Sporadic days of microbubbles and heat issues since adding it that may or may not be due to the return sump design, plumbing changes and or return pump which I also recently upgraded rather than the skimmer.


Personally I'd go with one of the SWC skimmers with the Sicce pump instead if money was not an issue, they are supposed to be reputable and when it needs replacing they are not hard to find, at least not right now, anyone ever compared Atman vs Sicce quality?


Am going to tinker with my lines and then if it's not them I will be finding out how good SWC is about customer service. If they pass I'll be buying another one or 2 since my 55 and frag tanks need better skimmers too. They really are quiet, simple and productive. Mine is on my 120. Algae reduced to negligible in the months I have had it and sps took off to the point I crashed the alk because I did not realize usage had gone up more than 8x! So it beats the old Euroreef I had.


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Thanks for all the advice. It appears I have some more research to do. My wifes idea of expensive and mine are different. I thought $600 was a lot, she thought I meant a couple grand. So I might just have to buy a skimmer for each system now :D. She wants me to get one I will be happy with. Apparently 5 years of *****ing about my skimmer not functioning properly has worn on her.




(Happy Camper)

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