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Wow thanks for the speedy reply.....lol. Im hesitant to add anything. I did a 20% water change yesterday(the reason the tang freaked and hurt itself in the first place) so I think I will give it a day or two and see if it heals itself


You're welcome and I think that is a wise approach. The time I used Melafix was when the fish had marine velvet and were not doing well but I agree it's better to wait and see if it heals on its own. It most likely will. I have had fish lose parts of their fins to tank mates when they were working out their territories and they have healed up just fine.

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i will vouch for melafix as well. as mvp said really keep an eye on it because secondary bacterial infections are very common in wounds on fish and usually are the aiding factor in death to alot of sick fish. luckily it sounds like your fish is not hurt very badly.

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