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Skimmer Cleaning

Guest Ahbrit

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Guest Ahbrit

What's the best way of cleaning a skimmer?

We tore down angies 46 today and we need to clean this skimmer so we can sell it.

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I use vinegar too... a little goes a long way. Bleach is next when it gets really bad at about the same dilution (a 1/4 cup to a gallon?). On skimmers I find it requires good old elbow grease on the brown stuff. I just rub it under hot water with paper towels and whatever tool helps me reach where it needs rubbed.

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Guest Ahbrit

theres some really tight gaps in certain places on the skimmer. thats why im hoping this vinegar method will work

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I use muric acid (spelling prob wronge) it works great i use one cup per five gal but viniger works as well just with the acid never add water to it always add it to water or it can blow up in your face but other than that safe to use everything looks new.

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If you can't get to it with a toothbrush after soaking on tight to reach places I usually try adding some coarse grain rock from the tank and shake vigourosly (coated freshwater rocks work best in my opinion) I do this all the time to clean weird shaped tubing. if your working around a pump make sure you don't leave any behind.

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I would consider using ice as a media for taking down surface deposits that I could not remove by hand. Add some acid to it to break down the calcium-based deposits. Vinegar would work well, the muraic (sp?) acid would as well. You could even use lemon juice if you wanted to.

Put it in there with a third liquid up to the ice and shake it up. Be sure to have some room for the ice to move up and down and this should make it sparkle.


Copper is bad, unless you are fish only and wanna keep it that way.

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