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WTB: 72-75 gallon tank


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Going to upgrade tank size here pretty soon and looking for a 72-75 gallon. My budget will probably just allow the tank by it self for the moment, but if you have other things you are wanting to sell with it just give me the offer and we can talk from there. thanks!

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the 90 gallon looks like a steal! I am trying to get something at the 48" length so that would be perfect! don't think the corner tank would be a good fit in my place, but thanks for the suggestions!

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I have a 2 identical 75g tanks both for sale. Each come with stand, sump and plumbed, mag 7 return pump, protein skimmer and custom LED lighting. Looking for $300 each or open to just about any non aquarium trades of value. You can text/call me at 541-914-3465 to....

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