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It's alive.....well sort of :)

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My name is Ryan and I teach an 8th grade self contained class (all subjects) at Sand Ridge Charter School in Lebanon. I've been a reef junky for several years and now I landed my first teaching job. Not only am I lucky enough to get a teaching job, I'm lucky that we have the TFT program. I have to give a "shout out" to MR. S. He has a true passion for teaching, the TFT program, and our hobby/addiction.


Now, my class tank begins. It's a Current-USA 24g aquapod. I added about 20lbs. of fine white sand. I usually use more coarse rock to avoid major dust storms but this should work out ok. I also added two large live rocks. I'm not sure how I'm going to aquascape it yet. I'm thinking a more open aquscape with a couple hiding places for the inmates. My main reef tank needed a water change so I used it's old water to jump-start the cycling process. The tank is sitting in my utility room cycling and awaiting it's first live creature.



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Nice job Ryan. Let me know when you need live inhabitants. I know how to get ahold of Dave and I also have a green bubble tip anem if you want it. I can also give you a "cycling clown" to help kick start stuff. Thanks for posting

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Thanks for all the positive responses. I'm really looking forward to teaching and love teaching about our hobby/addiction. Check this out. When I was student teaching earlier this year I brought in my little 12g nano for a two week lesson. I used a document camera and projector to "blow up" the nano onto the big screen. It's kind of cool to see a 12" false percula and 6" zoos :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

The tank is finally alive with it's first inmates. I added a blue legged hermit crab, a percula, and a skunk clown. Thanks again Josh for bringing over the fish. I'm ready to start adding more to this tank. I'm looking for donations on softies, zoos, inverts, or anything else you might think 8th graders would like. I'm also in need of test kits, mag-float, thermometer, media sock, carbon, gfo, dry food, and a stand for this 24g aquapod. Thanks again for all your support. My students are going to love this thank.



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Its great to have another tank in the program. I am switching my 200g over to a coldwater tidepool tank and I have plenty of snails and hermits that need to go. I could donate some to the tank if you wanted to get them or had a way to get them down south.

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  • 2 months later...


Sorry in the delay of posting pictures. The start of the school year has been crazy!. My students and other teachers love this tank. It's created a ton of interest in our hobby. I also wanted to again thank Mr. S for donating the star polyps.

I'm still in need of more goodies for the tank. I would love to have more fish (weirder looking the better) crabs, corals, or just about anything. PM or give me a call if you can help. Also, I'm starting a predator tank. I'll create a separate post for that tank.

Ryan in salem -510-1210


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  • 3 months later...


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