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power heads? help me please


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im working on getting a 33 long setup and plan on having a reef with zoas,shrooms, and rics im looking for powerheads but idk what i should get as far as gph or brand please keep in mind this will b my first tank and im trying to get by on a smaller budget until im sure i will stick with the hobby thanks again

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I'm running the aqueon powerheads in my 120 reef and they are awesome. Keep in mind I'm running the 1650 models but I'm sure you could snag a couple of the 950's for each end of your tank and be happy. Also you could look at the Koralia Evolution 1050's. Great models as well. And if you look hard enough you can get a great deal online for a pair. Just buy it from a big company don't buy it from flea-bay.

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Yah i'd suggest one of the powerheads that use props, they generally have a much wider flow pattern so you avoid blasting a small jet right at a coral. I'd try to find a couple Koralia 2s or Koralia nanos for that tank, one at each end.

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I've purchased from them before when they had free shipping plus sale prices. You also might check to see if any LFS would match their prices. When I purchased my first ones online I found out that most of the LFS would match their prices. Worst they can tell you is no and you still buy it online.

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