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thats odd?


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i was at a Petco today and i saw a really cool little percula clownfish i wanted to buy. but the worker would not let me buy it because i did not have an anemone in the tank for it and he said i had no idea how to care for a saltwater fish lol. but when i asked him if he ever had a saltwater tank he said no.so i was a little upset but i am glad that they where trying to place the fish into good homes but i think the pics on my cell of my tank would have convened him that i knew what i am doing lol. but it all comes down to it i really wanted that clown :( so i am going back tomorrow and hopes there is a new worker that will sale me the fish lol. what do you think?

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That little clown came from ORA! Be careful though, as you learned the employes obviously have no idea what they are talking about, I would be surprised if the fish in there system are not sick. I would QT it for sure. Good Luck.


P.S. If the same employe is there, I would ask to talk to a manager. Personally I think it is crazy that they would not sell you the fish!

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not sure what book he read to sound knowledgeable but it must be a very dated book or someone gave said worker very bad advice so go easy on him/her as they are honestly trying to do a good thing ware as most don't even ask and would sell it to you I find it best in these situations to try to educate rather then scorn said worker.

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ya i was being nice about it. and i did recognize he was trying to do his best. i even told him about this sit :) i knew if i did fuss about it i would be able to get it but i also know the odds of that fish being there tomorrow would be high so i desisted to go home and come back the next day. and if the fish is not there then it was not meant to be.

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not sure what book he read to sound knowledgeable but it must be a very dated book or someone gave said worker very bad advice so go easy on him/her as they are honestly trying to do a good thing ware as most don't even ask and would sell it to you I find it best in these situations to try to educate rather then scorn said worker.


I agree it's nice that he was looking out for the best interest of the fish as I know a lot of fish stores would sell you anything at anytime and not care about compatibility or how the fish did. However, my guess is this person probably didn't read anything and is basing his information on Finding Nemo and probably thinks you need to buy a little blue hippo tang as well for the percula to feel truly complete! (laugh) This person also does not sound like they were open to anyone else's opinion.

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depending on the year there are books out there that say that clowns should only be kept with there host anenome and like wise so he could have read some old info or some biased info eithier way it is good to see.


It's good to see someone care about the fish. It's not good to see that he is probably handing out a bunch of incorrect information. He is probably setting people up with a canister filter and plenum or even worse maybe an undegravel filter.

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My clowns are 5+ years old and have never had an anemone :D



The Petco here has saltwater. The fish ALWAYS have ick, half are always on the gravel they use dead/dying, and they also sell dying corals! I just go there to steal the bags they use (laugh)

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I have had clowns in my tank for over a year and since they were tank raised they dont have any thing to do with my 3 rose anemones



Percs and false percs don't host BTAs in the wild. They host Carpets :-) The way I see it if breeders don't keep their clowns with nems, and they are breeding, well then the clowns must be fine with out them.

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what? you lost me at facultative . lol jp


Facultative mutualism:

The condition in which one or both species in a mutualistic association may survive and maintain populations in the absence of the other partner.


In other words, we can live life without Petco.(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)

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