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WTB/T Tank Drilling + Overflow Help


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Hi, I am currently looking for some help drilling my 40 gallon breeder, and making an overflow for it. I am thinking 3 holes drilled for a Beananimal, and a 12" long 5" deep and 4.75" wide overflow box. If anyone is willing to help drill and make my overflow I would really appreciate it. I can pay cash for this help or trade some items for it. If you are interested in helping me out, let me know what you are looking to get for the work and we can work something out.


Thanks- Eric

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Also, I would rather trade some stuff I have for this work. I have tons of non reef stuff like a never used subwoofer, a paintball gun, and a ps2 with a ton of games. Theres more stuff but at the moment I cannot remember everything.


Thanks for looking- Eric

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Yep, hit wannareef up for an overflow. He just built mine for my 40b. A picture is in the tank section under one of my builds.


Also, drilling is pretty easy. I was worried at first but I managed to knock out 3 holes on my 40b without incident. Got some good pointers from Rick and watching vids on it.

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yep, as all the others have said, wannareef is your guy for the overflow. If you want it too look really presentable, I would drill the back and have the box span the whole distance of the back wall. It only has to come out and down just far enough to encase the 90's so your talking maybe 3" to 4". Your other option is to go through the bottom and make the overflow from top to bottom but that will take up a lot of tank I would think because you'll need room for all the plumbing inside and not just the 90's. You'll also have less surface skimming witch is part of the reason most go with a large overflow on the bean. Either way I would go with black acrylic for the overflow. You won't see any of the plumbing that way and it will blend in if you paint the back of the tank black to match. It sounds like you may have the drilling covered but if not let me know. I work in Portland near delta park so I could maybe do a swap there and drill it for ya then meet ya again.

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