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De Nitrator


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Brad--I used an Aquaripure denitrator for 3 years...did it bring my nitrates down...yes, from 50 to less than 10...1) you have to feed it vodka once weekly 2) you have to adjust flow rate almost daily 3) inflow/outflow tubes get gunked up and need "blowing" out about once weekly 4) forget any of the above and you need to play catch up...


It never "solved" my nitrate issue, which I believe had more to do with 7 year old sand than anything else...


There are dialing in issues and cycling issues and maintenance issues and cost issues...


1) what are your nitrate levels? Your tank looks pretty [language filter] good to me!

2) I would strongly recommend biopellets over doing any kind of denitrator at this stage

3) I am one of the few believers than every tank needs "a little" nitrate for some normal metabolic activities to occur and

4) There is no such thing as a true zero nitrate reef tank


Remember, the greatest enemy of a good plan is the "perfect" plan...




I agree with your theory, and you can back that up from looking at the solana I used to have. I never tested for anything and kept my set up as simple as possible. Consistency even if your numbers are off will still yield a nice tank.

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