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White Sand Group Buy


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After receiving several requests for another group buy I decided to do another one. Here are the details.


The sand is white calcium carbonate sugar size sand. This is very similar or perhaps even the same stuff as the Southdown sand. It passes a vinegar test verifying that it is calcium based. I placed 50 lbs. in my tanks back in November. The minimum order for the group buy will be 2000 lbs. As soon as we reach that I can put in the order. The cost of the sand will be 32 cents per pound in 50lb. increments. The cost is a little more than last time however I am supplying bags this time to avoid the hassle I had last time with supplying your own containers. If you will be buying a large quantity (500 lbs. or more) send me a PM as I can adjust the price a little if I don't supply the bags. Payment will need to be in advance (Preferably through Paypal). Send me a PM to work out the payment. If you would like to get in on the group buy please post below with how many lbs. you would like. I will create a list below with what each person wants and whether payment has been made yet or not. The order of the list will be adjusted depending upon when payment is made.


So far I have:

half-astronaut : 150 lbs., Paid.


Kris: 200 lbs., Picked up.

ReeFit: 500 lbs., Picked up.

lurch : 100 lbs., Picked up.

BrianB: 200 lbs., Picked up.

Tidepool: 500 lbs., Picked up.

madmike: 200 lbs., Picked up.

Trent: 300 lbs., Picked up.

Algae: 150 lbs., Picked up.

Garrett: 1000 lbs., Picked up.

jackaninny: 100 lbs., Picked up.



For those that are unsure how much will be required you can use this link to get an idea. http://reefcentral.com/index.php/sand-bed-calculator Figure it at the 90 lbs. per sq. ft.


For reference here is a sample picture of the sand. Please note that this sand just like any other will need to be rinsed prior to using it to avoid spiking the calcium level in the tank.



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300 lbs for now. Any idea how many 5 gallon buckets that would equal?


About 6 of them however I'm going to put it in bags this time around. Let me know via PM if Paypal will work and I'll send the info. for it.

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Is this a pretty light sand? I have sugar sand right now and it blows ever where constantly and is very annoying :D so if this is heavier i'll take 100lbs


Do you have power heads blowing directly on it? I have somewhere around 4500 GPH of turnover (Would need to add it up again to get a closer figure) and don't have any problems with sand blowing around. I can actually stir mine up and a couple of hours later the tank is clear again. (I only stir the top occasionally now though as it's doing it's job processing nitrates and would spike them if I stirred it too deep)

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I have some bonehead questions about this sand. How does one go about washing it? I'm thinking filling a bucket halfway and putting a hose in and overflow w/ water? Maybe stir occasionally? Never done this before.


Also - the best way to put sand into a tank that already has water? Maybe fill a cup and dump it in that way? 100 pounds might take forever that way so looking for ideas. The tank will still be cycling when we get the sand. Thanks.

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I have some bonehead questions about this sand. How does one go about washing it? I'm thinking filling a bucket halfway and putting a hose in and overflow w/ water? Maybe stir occasionally? Never done this before.


Also - the best way to put sand into a tank that already has water? Maybe fill a cup and dump it in that way? 100 pounds might take forever that way so looking for ideas. The tank will still be cycling when we get the sand. Thanks.


i use either RO water or old saltwater from my tank. use a big older fish net and rinse it several times and dump it in your tank. not terribly difficult, i wouldn't use chlorinated water / tap water

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