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WTS: Zoas and Paly Extravaganza


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So... I've found myself selling all the extra tanks in the last 6 months for buying 3 new tanks, a sump, 2 light systems an 2 Vortechs in the last month!!!

I will delete this first part later so wife cannot read it and I'll tell her that the Koralias morphed into Vortechs and the tanks did split (naughty)


All the frags are old or cut from the plug directly and then glued to a new plug, so they are ready to go.

First come first serve





Tubs Blue, about 10 polyps $ 25 SOLD CoralCrazy




Reverse Gorilla Nipples? about 5 polyps $ 10 Sold Marc



Green Zoas, $5



True Red People Eaters, $10 SOLD sharoleb



Purple Death, 3 polyps $ 15 SOLD Marc



Bam Bams Orange, $20 Sold Kendra



Armor of God, more than 10 polyps $15



LA Lakers, about 25 polyps, cut from plug, $ 35



LA Lakers, about 5 polyps, cut from plug, $ 10 Traded for some Formula!



Blue something, $5, 1 sold to CoralCrazy. 1 sold to Eric. I will frag one for Mick



African Blue, blue hornets AIO's.. I let the experts tell... more than 10 polyps mini colony, cut from plug $35 1 SOLD Kendra, one available



Same, 2 frags available:



Nuclear Greens, 3 polyps. Bad pic but nice palys. Cut from plug, so they are not glued directly $ 15 SOLD Marc



Mohawks, nice mini colony, about 10 polyps $ 35



The famous True Fake Hornets!!!!! Why you want the original hornets when you can buy the knock-off?? A frag of about 10 polyps $10 2 sold to Eric. I have more 20 polyps to Eric


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Thanks for the LA lakers Alex!(clap) It's all good because we didn't buy we traded!(laugh)

I'm starting to weaken and do not think my rehab is going last!(laugh)


LOL-whatever makes you feel better-I think you are starting to slip into a state of denile



OK free bump for Alex-nice stuff!!!

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