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120g setup for sale.


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Change in work schedule and just the amount of time i have for maintenance mean i need to get rid of my 120g tank.


I cant think about parting out everything, until at least the livestock is gone, so for now only the livestock has indivdual prices whem it gone ill add prices for the equipment.


i am asking only $1000 for the whole setup if someone wants it all. which I think is a pretty good deal, and is certainly less than it would part out for.




-120g (4x2x2)acrylic tank withe center overflow and drilled for closed loop( minor scratches) up and running in my living room right now so I'm sure it doesn't leak

-cherry stand and canopy

- custom sump/w refugium

-SWC 160 cone skimmer about 6 months old

-two little fish media reactor

- 2x250W MH + 4xT5 light fixture (bulbs about 3 months old)

- Pacific coast imports CL-650 chiller (12 months old)

- coralife 1090 return pump

- dolphin amp master 2100 closed loop pump

- 75gpd air water ice typhoon RODI unit

- DA reefkeeper elite controller

3x PC4 (4 oulet module)

1x SL2 lab( temp, ph and salinity ports, no salinity probe though)

1x net module (access your controller from the web)

2x float switches.


I'm in Cornelius OR, and if its a reasonable distance(greater portland/vancouver area) can help transport. send me a PM or email me at rdarris@hotmail.com if your interested


tentatively sold

Black and white osc. clown $10

yellow sleeper goby $10

firefish 5$

six line wrasse $10

sand shifting sea star $5


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