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Diary of a coral addict


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The important thing is to have true friends that support you.

There are some bad folks around that keep trying to tempt your integrity.


Yeah I know. I wonder who those people could be....(whistle)


Peppermints are just maintenance and don't count... I will just keep saying that.

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Day 8 Temptation and banishment


Day 8, So far I have been doing well.... I did get a shipment of new corals from my Medford dealer...(whistle)


Some of my fellow addicts don't believe me that I bought these corals before I committed to rehab. I understand, I get it. I wouldn't believe me either. Addicts do lie and make excuses...(nono)


I'm also still sticking with the idea that peppermint shrimp did not count... I know. I know that's what addicts do, one excuse after another....(laugh)


The kids are happy that, they have not been taken to a fish store in a over a week. What is wrong with them?(scratch)(nutty)


I am proud of myself... I have resisted temptations from classifieds, group buys, and pms about good deals. My former Medford dealer is going to be a challenge with his constant promises of scoring some good coral... Jody you're a bad bad man...:p I can look at your site without buying? Right? right?(scary)


Even Isaac who challenged me to do this detox speaks of certain high end corals he has fragged... (scary)


Ah the road to recovery is filled with mine fields...DOH!


By the way... I have another score coming on Friday...I swear I bought them way before the detox period!(laugh)


The real challenge will be after Friday when no more corals are scheduled to arrive...

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Does trading count? Technically you are not "buying" any coral.


I don't know if trading counts... You are right I am not buying...I don't think it should but perhaps I need to add a poll to my diary?(whistle)


Or is it just another gateway to depravity?(scratch) First I start with trading then it spirals down to that slippery slope...

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Get the NWCoralfarm tank!


I'm planning on buying a new tank tomorrow.....lol


Good luck to everyone else..


What are you getting Jesse? Did you get a 150 gallon?

Get the one Dave from NWcoralfarm is selling! Get it! Buy it!

But... save the corals for me!(laugh)

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So, today I got an MP10 and a clam. I feel so good now... I'm looking forward to the next coral... Sadly you have to wait.

Your friend (laugh)


Ah ha! You seriously suck dear friend! You're the one who got that sweet deal on that clam weren't you that was in the classifieds?!(wife)


Besides I got a nice shipment of blastos I paid for 3 weeks ago!:D


Time to take more oyster feast shots!(laugh)

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Day 13 Even the fish are depressed


Dear diary, it seems even the fish are depressed. Had no jumpers in over a year and bam in one month 2 damsels, the flasher wrasse and the cleaner wrasse all decided to go carpet surfing....(sad)


They seem to be thinking... what is this place? who are these people?(scratch) Why no new coral purchases?? Just like the bad 80's Van halen song they figured they "might as well jump"


Seems everyone is breaking down their tanks and selling coral...(scary)


I get by by rigging share the love contests and shamelessly begging for free stuff from Jody!(laugh)


Even my sponsor is sending me messages about the famous OME he just fragged!DOH!


To distract myself I search for the most drama filled thread only to find somebody pulled it...DOH!


Oh well maybe I can get banned from RC for fun!;)

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Hi, my name is tracy and Im an addict. I have eight tanks of my own. In one hour I went to the store and I bought some sand. broke down my tank. added sand, and now tommorrow am getting a new pistol shrimp and goby.. I have managed to talk everyone in my family to buy reef tanks. That makes five other tanks as well as my friend shane. I go over there and when they aren't looking I change things in their tanks and do water changes. I go to every fish store that I can, and I am constantly shopping on line for new items for my fish. I always have two five gallon buckets of salt on hand.. just in case, and I managed to have a tank on my kitchen table.. just so I can raise clown fry. And Im not suppose to have any fish tanks in my one bedroom apartment... I just cant stop... and my husband is cool with this, so he's an addict too... I have spent alot of money on the best rodi machine that I could find, and I take showers in the bathtub with it... I suppose I might need help... But wheres the harm....

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Fell of the wagon!17 days was all it took for me to crack!


Dear diary I don't know who was taking bets but I officially fell off the wagon(sad)


I justified it today by saying instead of going to Spirit Mountain and gambling we will spend money at the LFS


How did it happen??? Some of you could see cracks in my steely resolve? What finally pushed me over the edge? Was it the pms about chalices? Was it Grassi's classified ads? Was it Teco? Was it Isaac telling me he had fragged his OME?

Alex said the LA lakers he gave us was a trick:p


I can hear all the corals cheering!(clap)I have friends again and do not feel excluded. Shame on you all you fellow addicts!(nono)


Now sadly all I have to say for myself is.....(sad)(sad)(sad)


What's on Ebay?!!!!!(laugh)(rock2)(rock2)


After all it isn't illegal so enjoy people!(clap)

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knew it!! want a sunpod for that solana? ;)


LOL you and every else that was at Isaac's today!(laugh) Beth was a real pillar of strength there to!(laugh)


Spent to much money today LOL! But thanks! We ordered a phoenix bulb from Tim and need to replace the T5s and I think it will be great!

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